FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
Website Questions
Click 'Get a Quote' above. Select either 'Dog' or 'Cat', enter your pet's name and date of birth. Finally select if your pet is a 'Crossbreed' or a 'Pedigree' and enter your postcode. Press 'Calculate' and your quote will be immediately displayed.
Yes, you will receive a 10% discount for insuring 2 or more pets with us. To get this discount, click 'Get a Quote' above, fill in details for your first pet, then simply add another. As you add the second pet, you will see the cost of the first one drop - automatically
You can contact us by telephone or email. To speak to one of our highly trained and experienced staff click on 'Contact Us' above or click here for a list of telephone numbers. If you prefer to send an email you can fill out our contact form and we will respond to your query as soon as possible.
Cover Level Questions:
Just like humans, pets can develop long term or recurring illnesses such as diabetes or arthritis, that require regular and long term treatment, in some cases for the rest of the pet's life.
Our Lifetime plans cover ongoing veterinary fees for the life of your pet, as long as the policy is renewed each year and the appropriate premium is received.
Our lifetime cover policy is our most popular policy and provides essential vet fees cover up to the amount shown in the schedule per policy period - as well as a range of other benefits. Please see the Policy Benefits page for details
Dogs and cats are very much part of family life and protecting your pets against the unexpected can certainly help cover any unexpected incidences. Insuring your pet can protect against any unforeseen costs that may arise and with the cost of vets fees continuing to rise insurance is well worth taking into consideration.
Our standard cover can provide protection for a limited period of time following illness or injury to your cat or dog. Insuring your pet can be expensive, however time limited cover is ideal for customers with a smaller budget who still wish to protect their loved one.
Our Standard cover (Non-Lifetime) is a fixed-term contract of insurance which renews each policy term and provides essential Vet’s Fees cover up to £4000 per policy period for each illness or injury up to 365 days from the date that the pet first displayed clinical signs of the illness/injury. Standard cover also features many more benefits including cover for Loss by Theft or Straying, Death by Accident or Illness and Public Liability for dogs.
With our Accident Only policy, cover is provided if your pet is involved in an accident for the proper veterinary charges following treatment given by a qualified vet, or a qualified practitioner recommended by a vet, during the Policy Term including physiotherapy, treatment and referral.
This plan only covers vets fees following accidental injury; it does not provide the range of benefits offered by our other plans. Please see the Policy Benefits page for details
Insurance Questions:
The excess for each policy varies depending on where you live and your chosen level of cover. Simply request a quote and select the type of cover you require. You will then be presented with the list of benefits and your excess amount.
We insure both cats and dogs from 5 weeks old. Any pet over 8 years old will automatically be put on our Senior plan, which is almost identical to the standard plan except that your pet will not be covered for death through illness or disease. Please see the Policy Benefits page for details
There are certain breeds we do not cover; use the following link to check: Dogs we don't insure. If your dog is on the list, or is crossed with any of these breeds, we are unfortunately unable to provide insurance.